What You Should Read
What You Should Read
You Should Read: Our Last Zodiac Books (with Kendell)!
Well, Should-Heads, we’re finally doing our last Zodiac recommendations, so if you’re a Taurus, Leo or Aquarius, you’ll want to take some notes.
Links mentioned: Neil Gaiman.
Vulture posted an article where they spoke with four of the five women who have accused Neil Gaiman of sexually assaulting them. The article is explicit in spelling out their accusations. https://www.vulture.com/article/neil-gaiman-allegations-controversy-amanda-palmer-sandman-madoc.html
Book Riot discussed it here https://bookriot.com/neil-gaiman-sexual-assault-victims-speak-out-vulture/
Some of his upcoming projects have been canceled; another Vulture article discusses which projects are canceled or otherwise changing. https://www.vulture.com/article/neil-gaiman-allegations-adaptations.html
We’ve discussed this before, but it’s a conversation that definitely could stand to be revisited. What are your thoughts on separating the art from the artist? Does it matter what the accusations are? For example, is it acceptable to stay a JK Rowling fan, because IN MY OPINION she’s just an unhinged billionaire with deeply problematic beliefs? Is it only a problem if actual crimes are reportedly committed?
And how should we weigh all of this when none of this art exists in a vacuum? Some of the people who work on JK Rowling’s books or TV/movie offerings are almost certainly trans. And the money generated by her books and movies would definitely go toward releasing books that deal with trans issues in a better and more accurate manner (as opposed to believing that every trans woman is just a man in a dress waiting to rape women in public bathrooms). How do we decide what to do here?
And to end with GOOD book news, the movie Sing Sing is the first movie to get released in theaters and in correctional facilities. (It’ll be distributed to 1,100 facilities). The movie’s a true story about incarcerated men in Sing Sing who formed a theater group. Some of the movie’s cast were men who were in that troupe. https://bookriot.com/sing-sing-film-release-theaters-and-prisons/
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