What You Should Read

You Should Read: "Darius the Great is Not Okay" (with author Adib Khorram!)

Kelly Hager, Julia Hall, Rachael Hall Season 1 Episode 13

Happy belated National Book Lovers day to our WYSR family! Today we are chatting with Adib Kohrram, author of Darius the Great is Not Okay. During the interview we discuss why the show “Star Trek: Next Generation” brings families together; Adib gives us some tips for getting through the Corona-times (hint: it involves Animal Crossing); and we learn the behind-the-scenes story of how the forthcoming sequel, Darius the Great Deserves Better, came to be.  We are so grateful to Adib for joining us on the podcast. 

If you haven’t read Darius the Great is Not Okay yet, you absolutely should.  And be sure to visit Adib’s website to pre-order the sequel Darius the Great Deserves Better and get some beautiful art cards. You can also learn more about his forthcoming picture book “Seven Special Somethings:  A Nowruz Story.” 


Follow Adib
Twitter at @adibkhorram
Instagram: @adibkhorram

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